Marzia Riso

Viale Regina Elena 295, Roma | Building E - T04 ยท

I am a third-year PhD student in Computer Graphics at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. My current research focuses on direct manipulation and inverse procedural parameter estimation in a differentiable rendering scenario as well as geometry processing applications for porting vector graphics to the manifold domain.


PhD student in Computer Graphics

Sapienza University of Rome
Advisor: Fabio Pellacini
Thesis: Enhancing Controllability in Procedural and Non-Procedural Asset Editing
November 2020 - expected September 2024

MS degree in Computer Science

Sapienza University of Rome
Advisor: Maria De Marsico
Thesis: Adding interpretability to DNNs for breast cancer detection in Digital Pathology
Final grade: 110 cum laude
October 2018 - October 2020

BS Degree in Computer Science

Sapienza University of Rome
Advisor: Maria De Marsico
Thesis: Iris recognition via local operators combination
Final grade: 110 cum laude
September 2015 - October 2018


pEt: Direct Manipulation of Differentiable Vector Patterns

Riso M., Pellacini F.

pEt is a direct manipulation tool for editing the parameters of procedural vector patterns. Users selects some points in the viewport and expresses a transformation using a mouse movement. The parameters are optimized as the user performs the movement using a gradient-descent based approach.

Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR)
DOI: 10.2312/sr20231126


BoolSurf: Boolean Operations on Surfaces

Riso M., Nazzaro G., Puppo E., Zhou Q., Jacobson A., Pellacini F.

BoolSurf ports boolean set operations to the manifold settings. It computes boolean operations between geodesic shapes on surfaces of any genus and with open boundaries, supporting self-intersecting and complex designs.

ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) - video
DOI: 10.1145/3550454.3555466


pOp: Parameter Optimization of Differentiable Vector Patterns

Riso M., Sforza D., Pellacini F.

pOp is a practical method for estimating the parameters of vector patterns, that are formed by collections of vector shapes arranged by an arbitrary procedural program. Program parameters are optimized by automatically differentiating the signed distance field of the patterns.

Computer Graphics Forum
DOI: 10.1111/cgf.14595


Virtual Bowling! Launch as you all were there

De Marsico M., Panizzi E., Mattei F. R., Musolino A., Prandini M., Riso M., Sforza. D.

BowlingVR is an advanced Virtual Reality (VR) multiplayer game that provides a realistic User eXperience (UX) to the user. It provides realism in terms of the dynamics and physical context of a real bowling challenge as well as a remote and socially satisfying gameplay.

Proceedings of the ACM Int. Conf. on Advanced Visual Interfaces
DOI: 10.1145/3399715.3399848



Reseach Intern

Adobe Research

Six-months internship at Adobe Research Lab in Paris, France.

April 2023 - September 2023

Junior Developer - CrossTheWord Project

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Advisor: Roberto Navigli, responsible for ELEXIS - European Lexicographic Infrastructure.
Front-end and back-end development of an multiplatform and multiplayer crosswords game. The game also aims to be a crowdfunding module for the multilingual word sense annotation task.

June 2019 - September 2019

Honors & Awards


ACM Celebration of Women in Computing
Scholarship winner and hackathon participant


Programming Languages

Frameworks & Tools
Git | CLI | Jupyter | VSCode

PyTorch | Tensorflow | Yocto/GL | OpenCV

Native: Italian | Fluent: English (B2 - First Certificate) | Spanish (A2)